Sunday, March 20, 2011

The final word from Politicians on our priorities for self directed support.

We asked the 3 main political parties to respond to our campaign priorities so that we could provide you with the most up to date information prior to the election on March 26.
Peter Primrose responded on behalf of the ALP, Andrew Constance and the Liberal National Party Campaign Directors responded on behalf of the Coalition and Ian Cohen and the Campaign Coordinator responded on behalf of The Greens.
All responses [click on one/all above to read them in full] continued to endorse a self directed approach. None of the responses however provided greater clarity in relation to the features we are seeking.
The response of each party is attached for you to make your own judgment.
Our continued advocacy on the issues has shown us to represent voices that need to be heard in the implementation of a self directed approach in NSW.
We will continue to work with whoever forms government to see the implementation of our vision that people with disability and their families have a right to have as much choice and control in their lives as you and I have.
Campaign Priorities
Priority 1: Providing all existing and new users of government and non government disability services the opportunity to direct their own support.
We will be looking to ensure that:
·         people who want control over their resources have the opportunity at the earliest time;
·         individualised portable funding arrangements translate into choice, voice and control. 
Priority 2: Providing decision making support that is independent of government and service providers. We will be working to ensure that:
  • the ‘decision making resources’ are independent of government and service providers, able to be accessed easily and give the person with disability control. 
Priority 3: Transition support for services
We will be working to ensure that:
·          the voices of people with disability and families are heard in the process of service transformation.

Priority 4: Administrative processes consistent with a self directed approach.
We will be working to ensure that:
  • the Stronger Together goal of “choice, portability and flexibility in funding and supports” means that people have control over how the money is used;
  • government and service provider processes do not intrude into people’s lives; and
  • there is a minimum of bureaucracy and paperwork. 
Belinda Epstein-Frisch AM
Family Advocacy

For information about Self Directed Supports: A NSW Campaign

-------------------- PO Box 502 Epping NSW 1710 --------------------
Suite 305 16-18 Cambridge St Epping 2121
ph: 02 9869 0866  Freecall: 1800 620 588  Fax: 02 9869 0722

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