Friday, January 21, 2011


The newsletter starts with another disco, physical disability rugby and wheelchair tennis, indoor cricket, then the Acceptance drama workshops, captioned Glen Street Theatre dramas, the Festival Inside Out in Parramatta, and courses for people with disabilities at TAFE and Macquarie Community College.  There is a spot at a young carer camp, communication and care cue cards, parenting after separation, an evening for fathers / grandfathers of kids with ASD.  Also, an opportunity exists to share a carer for activities with a young man (19) with disability.

There are reminders about the respite Intake and Allocation Process (now open for respite next financial year) and the Gregory and Dolores Farrell Scholarships.  Resources include sport organisations, social support for younger people with dementia, dementia awareness materials, tips on saving wet / damaged books and photos, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation.  Several organisations have changed their name and / or location. Your participation is welcomed in breast screening, a survey on sex and cerebral palsy, ideas on activities for children and youth, plans for the Dee Why Town Centre, and the impact of criminal justice on people with acquired brain injury.  Applications are also invited for leader positions at young carer camps.

Workshops and training address homeopathy, support groups for mental health carers, self injurious behaviour, facilitating young carer support groups, violence and aggression, awareness of acquired brain injury, hearing impaired students.  Training agencies include IFP, Deaf Education Network, Lifeline, Relationships Australia, Northside Community Forum.  Conferences concern special education and disability studies, options for reform in disability support, HACC.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!  The next newsletter will be sent on 4 February.
Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371.  Also  

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

National Disability Insurance Scheme - notes from the campaign. All Australians need a no-fault insurance scheme for everyone who has, or acquires, a significant disability

Dear Supporter

Happy New Year! The year ahead is certainly shaping up to be a landmark year in disability. We are planning a period of considerable activity, particularly in the lead up to the release of the final report from the Productivity Commission in July.

Our new campaign website will go live at the end of January. We have a new logo and a new tag line – Every Australian Counts. You can find the new site at or  There will be a short crossover period between the new website and the old site at but after that the old site will be thanked for its hard work and years of service and decommissioned. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have been involved in developing and maintaining the existing website, working on it in addition to their daily duties in order to keep the campaign ticking along. Thank you for all your hard work – it is much appreciated by us all.

Every Australian Counts was selected as our new tag line because it sums up both the reason why we need an NDIS and what we hope it will achieve. We need an NDIS because at the moment people with a disability, their families and carers are missing out on vital opportunities to participate in the life of the nation. They are often unable to be active, contributing participating members of the economy and the community because they do not have the support they need to do so. They are missing out on opportunities that other Australians simply take for granted. We want to send a message that this is unacceptable and has to change – that the needs, hopes and dreams of Australians with a disability and their families should count. Every Australian Counts also sums up what we hope the NDIS will achieve – greater social inclusion for people with a disability, their families and carers.

The new website will feature short simple explanations of the difficulties and challenges currently experienced by people with a disability and their families and what they would like to see done differently in the future. It will feature short videos of people with a disability as well as family members explaining the challenges they face daily, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future. We hope people will find the website more use friendly and interactive. The website will be continuously changing – we hope it will be a site people will come back to again and again. We look forward to hearing your feedback about what you would like to see featured on the site as the campaign progresses.

The website will also feature a new simple one-click means of signing up as a supporter. It is important to let people know that if you have already signed up as a supporter and are receiving these campaign updates you do not have to sign up again – all existing supporters will be transferred across. But if you are receiving this email from a third party or you know people who have not yet signed up as a supporter, encourage them to visit the new site and demonstrate their support by signing up as soon as possible.

In other developments – it’s time for NDIS supporters in Victoria to hit the streets!

Victorians are encouraged to head to Geelong on February 10 for a rally in support of the NDIS. Held on the waterfront in Geelong, the rally has been timed to coincide with the popular Having a Say conference for people with a disability held every year in regional city.

The rally will be held at lunchtime at the foot of the Cunningham Pier and will feature speakers with a disability from the conference as well as NDIS Campaign Director John Della Bosca.

Everyone is encouraged to wear red to show their support and bring along their own placard or sign – a chance to be creative as you like! Organisers would like the event to be as colourful as possible. Those who attend will be given a free campaign t-shirt or badge to show their support.

For more information about the rally please download the flyer from the NDIS website or contact Kirsten Deane from the National Disability and Carer Alliance at or Karingal NDIS Coordinator Jacqui Pierce at

And just to let you know that registrations will soon open for the National Disability and Carer Congress to be held in Melbourne on May 2 and 3. This exciting conference represents a not to be missed opportunity to examine, discuss and debate what the NDIS will mean for you. If you are living with a disability or working in the field don’t miss this chance to help shape the future of disability in Australia.

Participants at the conference will analyse the Productivity Commission’s draft report on Disability Care and Support, hear from international experts about exciting developments in disability policy around the world and, most importantly, hear from people with a disability, their families and carers about their hopes for the future. Participants will also have the chance to quiz our elected representatives on how they can better support people with a disability, their families and carers.

Registrations will open shortly and the program will be confirmed. We would like as many people as possible to participate so mark the date in your diaries and stay tuned for further details.

On Sunday, February 13, West Australians are invited to launch the campaign locally at a family brunch in the park where we'll be joined by members of the Dockers and Eagles and other sporting celebrities who are happy to add their support. We would also like you to wear red as we use everyone there to spell out our message that Every Australian Counts in giant letters for the media and the rest of the community.  This will be a chance to learn more about the local campaign but in a relaxed fun atmosphere with a mega sausage sizzle and face painting for the kids. We do need the numbers to make this happen. Details of times and locations will be sent out in the next week but do save the date now! If you can attend or help in any way please contact Geraldine Mellet at or

Thank you again for your support.

John Della Bosca and the NDIS team
January 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011


The newsletter starts with another disco, indoor cricket, the Australia Day regatta, Para-Athletic World champs warm-up, and the 2011 Global Games.  There are also Camp Willing and Able, a music / drama for adults and a new Glee 2 classes for primary through to adults.  Sessions for parents include information nights for fathers, a free Triple P for parents of kids with disabilities, more parenting prorams and an April holiday program for siblings / young carers.

Applications for the Churchill fellowships close 28 February.  Resources include special open days of Cubby House Toy Library, booklet for people with intellectual disability on grief/loss, a website on early childhood topics, two reports (impact of caring, directions for disability services), and a guideline on improving services’ cultural sensitivity.  There are two free events at the Sydney Festival (including opening night yesterday), reminders to have your say about Manly Dam and the Collaroy Accessibility Tourism Precinct, and a survey of parents with mental illness.

Workshops and training address courses on basic Makaton, self advocacy for vision impaired people, board development, complaints handling, relationships and sexuality for people with Aspergers.  There are also conferences about spine care and the National HACC conference, as well as an interesting program on young adults with autism.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!  The next newsletter will be sent on 21 January.

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371.  Also  

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Family Advocacy's Journal

Please find attached Family Advocacy’s summer 2010 Journal, “Families for Change” and insert.

Kind regards,
Philippa FitzPatrick
Family Advocacy
02 9869 0866


The newsletter starts with Christmas meals, freewheelers and Liberty swings, adaptive cricket, and an accessible garden in Auburn.  Information for carers includes the Older Parent Carer Project, the NSW Carers Advisory Council, and the Better Start for Children with Disability Forum.

Financial matters involve at the Stronger Together 2011-2016 plan, half price membership to NSW CID, and the Energy Assistance Guide.  Resources include an offer of a Page Turner, new name for the Spastic Centre, the AIDER program, accessible trip options, snapshots of people dealing with mental illness, changes to Medicare items, a paper on equipment for people with disability, Advance Care Directives, the Raising Children Network, an ABS report, Siblings Australia, checking your website’s accessibility.  Your participation would be welcomed as advocate for dental funding, feedback on assistive technology, immigration issues for people with disability, and a position as counsellor for people of CALD background.

Workshops and training address courses at the IFP, Mental Health Coordinating Council, Vision Australia, NSW Deaf Society.  There are also conferences by the National Disability Services, and the Mental Health Service, as well as a workshop on Paranoia and Voices.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!  The first newsletter of 2011 will be sent on 7 January.
Wishing you a restful and reflective transition to 2011.

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371.  Also