Monday, May 31, 2010


Sunnyfield is developing key position papers in response to requests from families for specific information on a number of issues.

Below is the list of papers that have been developed and focus on:

The papers have been developed to provide important background, up-to-date information and Sunnyfield's perspectivie on each key issue. Please watch this space as more position papers will be added.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


 The newsletter starts with microwave cooking classes, a new sports club for children, sailing and boccia news, art therapy, a reminder re the Kids Big Fun Day Out, and the Aspect sibling camp in October.  Carers are reminded about the MyTime parent / play groups, Early Days and father workshops, counselling support group, North Shore Support Group, suicide alertness, behaviour management, the MARS review, supporting someone toward recovery, emergency first aid training.  There are also two workshops on options after leaving school.  One fundraising event, clearance of Northcott equipment, and the Saver Plus and MoneyMinded programs involve finance.

Resources include a support group for young people having a stroke, the Sunshine paper studio, the seniors card, reprinted Through the Maze / Helping You and Your Family, accessible Melbourne maps, the Beaches hospital transport link, Services for children aged 0-6 with additional needs. Your participation is invited regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme, pedestrian access and mobility, World MS day, NSW Ombudsman consultations on services for families with a child with disability.

Workshops and meetings involve volunteer mentors for HOME Hospice, new treatments for Alzheimers, dysphagia, courses at IFP and Northside Community Forum, the North Sydney Vocational Support Network, older men’s health, transition from school.  There are also conferences about the patient-professional relationship, assistive technology and moving out of institutions into the community.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371.  Also  

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Full details of Sunnyfield's Community Services Offerings

Many Members well know the particular Sunnyfield service they currently use to benefit their disabled family member, e.g. Accommodation or Employment.  Quite a few families already use multiple services but some may not be aware of the full range of extra help they may be entitled to ask for.
As a case in point my family found out first about "Aged Parent Carer" respite then more recently "Life Choices - Self Managed Community Participation" and these two programs now provide money we use to help our plans to give our son "Independent Living" so he can when the time comes survive our absence without becoming a crisis case (for himself, his siblings and ADHC).
Sunnyfield has, at our suggestion, now added an excellent comprehensive list of Community Services' different programs around the state.  It is on Sunnyfield's web site here but a copy is also provided here. If you would like to know more, and see if you might be eligible, give Sunnyfield a call and ask for help.

Friday, May 14, 2010


The newsletter starts with a bush dance and discobility, a new paper studio, art works at Sunnyfield, several large festivals (VividLIVE, Biennale, Sydney Writers), and a call for Deaf actors to make a film promoting the National Relay Service.  Carers are invited to a Wellness day, the Life House Project and the Father/Grandfathers’ day.  There are vacancies in In-Home Respite and for CALD people who require case management.  Fundraising involves the Biggest Morning Tea, Sex and the City 2, and the community development grants.

Resources include information on revision of the National Standards for Disability Services, support groups for mental health, the Carers (Recognition) Bill 2010 and  Your participation is invited regarding the revision of National Standards, pedestrian access and mobility in Warringah, and World MS day.

Workshops and meetings involve carers of people with mental illness, family law, bullying and racism, knowing your rights, energy, glaucoma, clients from refugee-like backgrounds, the first GLADNET online seminar, role of fathers, computer assistive technology, and several courses at Northside Community Forum.  Conferences deal with schizophrenia, caring, intellectual disability and mental health.  There is a DVD launch on the devolution from institutions to homes.  There are also two paid positions.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371.  Also  

Trudy VanDam and Self Managed Funding/Care

We are most fortunate that Trudy VanDam has agreed to come to the June Auxiliary meeting to talk about Self Managed Care and Funding and to answer any and all questions on this most important subject. Trudy was for many years the CEO of Hornsby Challenge and in the mid 80s set about “de-institutionalising” accommodation and care by moving all their people into community living situations.

There are two important papers that you can read that explain her views; the first called "Beyond Group Homes" (published in 1995) and the second published in 2010 called "A Self directed approach - what does the literature say?".

Two important extracts:-
"A service system offering only group homes still congregates people rather than paying attention to them as individuals and an effect of this congregation is that people are still segregated because service practices such as rigid routines inhibit individual involvement in the community.
People may be accessing some community services, but their behaviour is rigidly organised around staffing availability and rosters, staff control of facilities, routines and the service's preconception of desirable activities for the residents. " (1995).
“When self-directed services are introduced with the right kind of support for people and their choices translate into how money is spent, they deliver huge pay-offs: people get personalised solutions that give them a better quality of life, allow them to participate more in society and form strong relationships at lower cost than traditional service solutions that often isolate and leave them feeling dependent”(2010).

Please read and consider how we can all push for Self Managed Care sooner rather than later. Come along to the June Auxiliary meeting and say your piece.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The 21-year-old champion of disabled rights

21-year-old Kelly Vincent is the youngest woman ever elected to an Australian parliament. Ms Vincent has cerebral palsy, uses a wheelchair and was elected on a disability platform. Her election to South Australian parliament has caused celebration around the country among disability advocates.
A transcript of the 7.30 report and a video clip can be found here


Thank you to those who have already completed our Tell Us Living with Disability Survey. Please note that the survey remains open for people wishing to participate. We set an initial cut-off date of 7 May 2010 so that we could isolate the data collected to that point for a policy submission we are working on. The submission is to the Federal government's Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Inquiry into planning options and services for people ageing with disability.

Again we stress that the survey remains open. We are currently in correspondence with key government officials across the states and territories to seek their support for the circulation of the survey. Because of this we expect the survey will remain open until the end of July.

However, if you haven't already completed the survey, don't wait until July. Do it now while it's on your mind. This is an independent survey run by an independent agency, and it represents an impor tant opportunity for people living with disability to record their views, and with the knowledge that the survey results will be used to push for helpful change.

Your participation in the survey is voluntary - you don't have to be involved if you don't want to.

You have the option of completing the survey in one of four ways:
. Complete the survey online by clicking on the following link; OR
. Complete the survey online by accessing the Julia Farr Association - tell us Living with Disability Survey link on our webpage;

. If you require a hard copy of the survey please contact Alicia Fidock on 8373 8311 and she will send you the survey including a reply paid envelope.

. The electronic version of the survey enables you to enter your responses u sing the computer and saving the completed survey on a CD. If you require an electronic version of the survey please contact Alicia Fidock on 8373 8311 and she will send you a CD version of the survey and a reply paid envelope.

4. Contacting the Julia Farr Association by phone on 1300 857 327 and giving the survey responses verbally over the phone.

This survey is important. As well as your own participation, do please forward this email to other members of the disability community in Australia who might like to be involved in telling us about what key issues are important to them. We know this might mean that some people might get multiple copies of this email, but better to run the risk of receiving several emails rather than receiving none.

If you need assistance completing the survey or have any further questions please contact Alicia Fidock on 8373 8311 or

Sunday, May 2, 2010


The newsletter starts with a reminder about weekend wheelchair rugby and basketball, discobility at Yoyos, Paralympic talent search, events at Sailability, and Stephen Wiltshire’s amazing art show/demonstration.  Carers are invited to events dealing with needs of children aged 0-5, mental illness, suicide alertness, effective communication, parenting seminars, dementia support, grandparenting.  There is also pampering, a free retreat, competitions for young carers and the mental health support group.  Fundraising involves a trivia night for the Variety Club, MS Readathon and MS Mega Swim, and a long list of special days and weeks for specific disabilities:  epilepsy, deafness, cancer, motor neurone, asthma, ME, schizophrenia, macular degeneration.

Resources include affordable software for kids with special needs, a guide to wills and estates, transition from the teens to adult life, an accommodation group, a television documentary about children with autism becoming adults.  Your participation is invited regarding young men and technology, the rights of people with disabilities, two fun autism events.

Workshops and meetings involve parenting, person centred approach, money management, working with refugee clients, anxiety disorders, self-abuse, leadership.  There are also courses at Northside Community Forum, IFP, People with Disability, Marte Meo.  Conferences deal with advocacy, accommodation and volunteering, and the Northern Region Disability Network meets again next week.  There are also two paid positions, and farewell to Judy Brain with welcome to Kate Skinner at DARTS.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371, email