Monday, October 25, 2010

Update from the National Disability Insurance Scheme - Victorian State Election

Just a quick note to let you know about some fantastic developments in the campaign for a National Disability Insurance Scheme. Both the Victorian Premier John Brumby and the Victorian Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu have affirmed their commitment to the National Disability Insurance Scheme and said they would champion the introduction of the scheme with their Federal colleagues.

Both parties have issued press releases saying they would push the Federal Parliament to act after the Productivity Commission releases its final report in July 2011.

Community Services Minister Lisa Neville said, “We believe a landmark scheme like this would provide more peace-of-mind through an on-going system of support to help Australians with a disability no matter where they live.”

Shadow Community Services Minister Mary Wooldridge said, “The Coalition will champion significant reform of disability services, providing much greater life-long support for Victorians with a disability and their families and giving them the best chance to fulfil their potential.”

Both the Labor Government and Opposition media releases are attached.

The National Disability and Carer Alliance issued a press release in response – that is also attached.

The announcements are significant because reform on the scale of the National Disability Insurance Scheme will require a high level of cooperation and coordination between the Commonwealth and the states.

While their support is very welcome and necessary, it is also important for state governments not to stand still while waiting for the introduction of a national scheme. There are many things state governments can and should do in the short term to relieve the pressure on people with a disability, their families and carers. We will therefore be watching with interest to see what further announcements each party makes in the lead up to the Victorian state election on November 27.

And finally – a very big thank you to all those who have visited Victorian MPs in the last month – those visits helped raise the profile of the NDIS and sent a strong message about the level of interest and level of support for the scheme in the community. Thank you to those who took the time and made the effort – it is much appreciated.

Once again we are delighted that the NDIS has achieved bipartisan support.

The NDIS Team

Friday, October 22, 2010

Supported Living Fund reported in today’s Sydney Morning Herald

Keep the issue alive with a Letter to the Editor
Comment on the piece at


Less than a week to go
Political Candidates Forum 25 October 7.15 for 7.30pm
Do you want a Supported Living Fund for NSW?
Do you live in Sydney?

 We need YOU to be present at the Political Candidates Forum

Peter Primrose, Andrew Constance and Ian Cohen will be there!
We believe the media will be there.
We need YOU there as well!
Date:  Monday 25 October
Time:  7.30 - 9pm
Venue: Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, 117 Ryedale Rd West Ryde.

Belinda Epstein-Frisch AM
Family Advocacy

Follow the Supported Living Campaign on facebook

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

group homes and other congregate supports.

Boy there are some interesting perspectives for Sunnyfield Members in here!! (Chris Howells)

There is a new posting at the Purple Orange blog.  It explores the issue of group homes and other congregate supports.
The blog is at

Robbi Williams
CEO, Julia Farr Group
Julia Farr Association, Julia Farr Housing Association, Julia Farr MS Mcleod Benevolent Fund, National Convenor, In Control Australia

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Family Advocacy: Planning for now, tomorrow and the future event follow up

Hello: it was good to meet you at Planning for now, tomorrow and the future.

We hope to see you at future events
As was mentioned on the day, Planning for now, tomorrow and the future is just one workshop run by Family Advocacy.

If you were not previously on our mailing list, your name has been added so that you will now receive information about workshops in your area directly.

Upcoming workshops
Family Advocacy are running a weekend event Shaping the future on October 15-17, 2010. If you are interested in helping achieve positive social change for both your family and more broadly please have a look at the attached flier and note applications to attend need to be returned by the end of this week.

Many of you will be aware of Family Advocacy’s campaign for a Supported Living Fund for the people in NSW. As part of this campaign we are hosting a political candidates forum where the Minister Mr Peter Primrose, Shadow minister Andrew Constance and Greens spokesperson Ian Cohen will be attending. This will be held on Monday October 25 from 7.30pm until 9pm. Please see attached Campaign Update with further details.

Workshop follow up
Jeremy referred to two documents at the workshop that can be located on the Mamre web site. I attach those documents and note the web address of the resources section of the web site.

Legal contacts in NSW
The Intellectual Disability Rights Service may be of assistance. They provide free legal advice and have various publications they can also recommend solicitors with expertise in relevant areas.
Contact details:

FREECALL 1800 666 611 Email IDRS

There are a range of other organisations that provide free advice including Community Legal Centres. You can access contact details at: 

On the day of the workshop there was a publication from FaHCSIA  on planning. If you didn’t pick up a copy and would now like one, I note the web address below where this can be accessed.

Resourcing Families
A new initiative at Family Advocacy- Resourcing Families-  is focused on families in NSW who have a son or daughter who is interested in pursuing ordinary community connections including via self directed and informal supports. The focus is young people with disability but, of course, anyone can access the website and information.

You may be interested in our library
As we also mentioned, we have an excellent resource library called the Inclusion Collection. The library contains books, DVDs and articles. You can visit the library online at or call Family Advocacy to indicate your information needs. 

Another potential source of information is the Family Advocacy web site. You can search around particular areas of interest and find out about upcoming events and actions.

One example of information that you may find interesting on the web site is a link to an interview with Janet Klees. Janet was recently in Australia and was recorded speaking in Queensland about a range of topics including strategies to build relationships and actions that families can take without funding to work towards the good life. If you are interested, you can go to YouTube to hear Janet:

I hope that you find this additional information useful. Of course, if there are any issues or questions that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to call us on 02 9869 0866 or 1800 620 588 (free call NSW non metro callers).

If you registered on behalf of another person, I would appreciate you forwarding them this email.
Rick Hansen and Karen Tippett, Advocacy Development and Liaison, Family Advocacy

-------------------- PO Box 502 Epping NSW 1710 --------------------
Suite 305 16-18 Cambridge St Epping 2121
ph: 02 9869 0866  Freecall: 1800 620 588  Fax: 02 9869 0722