Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Volunteers needed

Can Members please have a look at the planned Fundraising functions [click here] and see which ones they can help with.  If you are able to help please contact Marisa Chilcott at Sunnyfield to finalise arrangements.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Today’s newsletter has information about the following activities or resources:

Ability Counts Saturday Sports Club for Children with Disabilities

Reminder:  DISCO with Northern Area Recreation Association (NARA)

Reminder:  Discobility:  Superheroes Night

Reminder: Wheelchair Tennis 2012 Coaching Clinics

St Ives Show for the Whole Family next Weekend
Reminder:  Drama Classes at Different Degrees (former Larrikin Theatre)
Two Sessions for People with an Acquired Brain Injury and their Carers
Express Yourself - Therapeutic Group for Young Women

Register for The family New Moves Program

Reminder:  Information Session for Parents of Children aged 0-6 with Special Needs
Reminder For Parents:  ‘Tricks of the Trade’ to assist Children with Learning Disabilities
Youth Speaker’s Night– Effective Discipline to build Respectful Responsible Resilient Youth
Reminder:  Teen Triple P Group Work Program- Naremburn
Interested in a Newsletter for Parents / Carers in Willoughby and Surrounds?
Fathers / Grandfathers Evening with “Someone to Turn To”
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Healthy Ageing Strategy – Warringah Council
Grandparents & the Law – the Legal Crossroads
Trivia and Games Night – Fundraiser for the Hornsby Rockets Ten Pin Bowling League
Biggest Morning Tea – 24 May 2012
Arts Access Australia - Art Prize
Volunteer Expos throughout Northern Sydney  - Celebrate Volunteer Week 14-20 May 2012
Legal Aid NSW’s "Disability Support Pension" brochure
Lifestart Plus – Autism and Better Start Services
Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS)
Booklet: Leisure for youth and adults with disabilities – Northern Sydney Region 2012
Booklet:  Services for Children aged 0-6 Years with Additional Needs 2012
Warringah Disability Information Service moves to Cromer
                        PARTICIPATION COUNTS
Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register
Reminder:  Study on Transition Experiences of Adults with a Disability
Research Project on Violent or Hurtful Relationships of Women with Physical Disabilities
Research on a Home-Based Program to Improve Handwriting Legibility after Stroke
                                                CONFERENCES, TRAINING, SEMINARS
The Role of Speech Pathologist in Remediating Learning Difficulties
Safety:  On the road, In the school, At home
Schizophrenia Awareness Week, 13-19 May 2012 – focus on Physical Health
Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW Inc - “National Focus on Mental Health”
Mental Health Focus – Introduction Level (1 day workshop)
Reminder:  SRV 7 Themes:  Reflective Theory
Northside Community Forum -‘Caring for the Future’
FABIC Workshop on Understanding Aspergers and Autism
Reminder:  Free Post School Options Expo for Students and Youth with a Disability
Reminder:  Free Positive Behaviour Support Workshops for Respite & Care Workers
Gain your Free CHC52208 Diploma of Community Services Coordination
Certificate III Home and Community Care (HACC) at Macquarie Fields

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


 The disability newsletter recently celebrated its 11th anniversary.  Thank you for your comments and support in providing critical information for people with disabilities, their families / carers, and service providers.

Today’s bumper issue starts with two discobilities (both on Friday!), soccer and gymnastics for kids with special needs, audio programs at the Museum of Contemporary Art, inclusive rugby, “welcome Wellness” for people with mental illness, , activities at Synergy Youth Centre.  There is also a meeting regarding arts access for deaf people; and the opportunity for people with physical disabilities to utilise their computer skills.  There are four activities for young carers, as well as various carer support programs (Bradfield Park, the city, Dee Why mental health, working carers, phone group, former carers) and parenting workshops for children and teens.  Parents of children aged 0-5 are invited to an information morning in Narraweena. Family Advocacy is running webinars, and Kathy Lette’s new book looks at autism.

Financial matters include both ClubNSW grants and one regarding human rights, BIA brokerage funds for people with Brain injury, fundraising for Northcott and Life Returning and Touching Base, plants for sale, and jobs for support workers.  Resources include the Lifeline Online chat facility, the ABS report on disability and work, a new community food program in Cromer, the Autism Spectrum newsletter, and a staff booklet on speaking with parents at the time of diagnosis. 

Your participation is invited at the NDIS rally on 30 April in Sydney Olympic Park.  There are also surveys on harm to siblings, training needs of bilingual workers, arts sector employment for people with disability.  Volunteers are welcome at St Lucy’s School and satellite classrooms, and to assist the Bushlink employment project.

Many workshops focus on behaviour intervention, person centred practice, post school options and academic help.  ADHC is holding a Behaviour Intervention symposium – all carers and families can attend for free, as well as consultations in the coming months on the Living Life My Way.  There are also conferences or training on inclusive learning technologies, horticultural therapy, art therapy, mental health first aid, disability advocacy, and training by HACC, the Ombudsman NSW and IFP.

Your suggestions are welcome, as always!  The next newsletter will be sent on 10 May 2012.

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Located at Dee Why Library, Pittwater Road and St Davids Avenue, Dee Why NSW 2099.