Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Resourcing Families - a new workshop for families - 5 and 7 September 2011 - Hornsby and South Hurstville

Positive Directions For Lives of Meaning and Fulfillment

Hornsby - 5 September 2011       South Hurstville - 7 September 2011

Many families have said that they would like their son or daughter with developmental disability to enjoy the same good, ordinary, opportunities as their other children but that they find this hard to achieve.

In response to this feedback, this new workshop has been developed to help families explore why this is so and to suggest some strategies for families to help a person with disability have a good life as part of their community.

I attach a link to the flier. It would be great if you could let other families who may be interested know about the day.

If you would like to read more about Resourcing Families you can go to the web site

Do not hesitate to contact Emma Baxter or Kim Roots if you would like hard copy fliers or more information. We can be reached on 9869 7753 or by email

Thanks for letting others know about the day and we hope you can come.


Kim Roots and Emma Baxter
Resourcing Families

-------------------- PO Box 502 Epping NSW 1710 --------------------
Suite 305 16-18 Cambridge St Epping 2121
ph: 02 9869 0866  Freecall: 1800 620 588  Fax: 02 9869 0722

Friday, July 22, 2011



The newsletter starts with dance/art for adults with intellectual disability, development day and Christmas camp for youth (aged 8-20) using wheelchairs, the Northcott senior athletics carnival, and reminders about the BIA get together, theatre project in Lane Cove, sports sessions for children and the CPA expo of sports arts technology.  Carers are reminded of the Bradfield Parkprogram, support groups for carers of people with mental illness, a fathers/grandfathers (of autism) evening and parenting children with ADHD, feedback session on public health services, Big Sisters for girl siblings, post school transition planning forum, vacancies for seniors, and LNS network meeting.

Financial matters include the Carers Week grants, aboriginal trainee/cadetships, the Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship, Diploma of Management, grants from CTK Foundation, and the position of recreation lifestyle officer at Recreation Rendezvous in Lane Cove.  Resources include IGlasses for vision impaired people, new Aged Care infoline number, policy resource re access to sex services, behaviour support for autism, booklet on being a healthy woman.  You are invited to nominate for the Carer and Mental Health Matters awards, attend DisabilitiTEAs (to support the EveryAustralianCounts campaign) and Pittwater social plan consultations.  Workshops and conferences address self directed funding, crime prevention, social work tools and trends, and courses at IFP.  It is also important to attend or submit feedback regarding the person centred approach which NSW now supports.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!  The next newsletter will be sent on 5 August.

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Located at Dee Why Library, Pittwater Road and St Davids Avenue, Dee Why NSW 2099.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371.  Also

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Attached is the Living Life My Way NSW state consultations schedule with dates, venues and times.


Nadia Samperi
Systemic Advocate
Family Advocacy

-------------------- PO Box 502 Epping NSW 1710 --------------------
Suite 305 16-18 Cambridge St Epping 2121
ph: 02 9869 0866  Freecall: 1800 620 588  Fax: 02 9869 0722

FEEDBACK - What's your experience of education transitions?

Dear families,

The NSW parliament is conducting an inquiry into “transition support for students with additional or complex needs and their families” focusing on transitions between stages of education. This includes transition from pre-school to school, from primary to secondary school and from school to post-school.

Family Advocacy is preparing a submission for the inquiry and we need your feedback! Our submission will be guided and strengthened by being based on the lived experiences and reflections of families.

Below are some questions to stimulate your thinking. If you have any other issues related to transitions in education you would like to feedback that are not covered by these questions, please feel free to do so.

Questions to stimulate thinking:
·         What types of educational transitions has your family member undergone - pre-school to school, primary to secondary school and/or school to post-school?
·         During these times of transition, did you receive assistance in the transition? 
·         If yes, what was the nature of the assistance and who provided it?
·         Was any of the assistance helpful or unhelpful?
·         What assistance would you like to have received?
·         What is the key message you would like us to provide to the inquiry to improve transitions in education?

Please send me an email or call me for a chat. Our contact details are at the bottom of this email.

Kind Regards,

Nadia Samperi
Systemic Advocate
Family Advocacy

-------------------- PO Box 502 Epping NSW 1710 --------------------
Suite 305 16-18 Cambridge St Epping 2121
ph: 02 9869 0866  Freecall: 1800 620 588  Fax: 02 9869 0722

Monday, July 18, 2011

Invitation to the NSW Government Person Centred Approaches Consultations

An email from Caroline Cuddihy

Living Life My Way 
The NSW Government is seeking a greater understanding of the needs of people with a disability in the community. This will help to build a disability service system in NSW that puts decision making control, choice and flexibility for people with a disability at the centre of their support plan.
We are holding over 100 consultations across NSW.
Registrations are now open for you to attend the consultation session of your choice.
The consultations will be held from 1 August to 2 September 2011 at a range of locations around the state.
The consultation sessions will involve small focus group discussions with people with a disability, their families and carers so that every participant has an opportunity to have their say.

To register go to or call (02) 4984 2554.
If you can’t attend a consultation you can make a submission by:
Write to:  Manager, Person Centred Approaches Team
                 Ageing, Disability and Home Care
                 Department of Family and Community Services
                 Level 5, 83 Clarence Street
                 SYDNEY NSW 2000

If you require assistance to make a submission or would like further information about other opportunities to participate in the consultation process, please contact the Person Centred Approaches Team on (02) 8270 2132.
 Your input will help guide us in delivering a collective and collaborative solution to bring about the much needed reforms to disability services in NSW.

The information you will be providing when registering is collected by Tulips Meetings Management and ADHC for the purposes of processing your registration and keeping you informed of upcoming consultations, services and events. This information will also be disclosed to KPMG who are facilitating the summit. You have both a right of access to the personal information we hold about you and to ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate or out of date. Please direct your enquiries to email
Having trouble with the link? Simply copy and paste the entire address listed below into your web browser:
If you no longer want to receive emails from Consultations Secretariat - Tulips Meetings Management please click the link below.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

InControl - Getting Personal and Getting a Life in NSW

Dear In Control Friends in NSW,
As many of you are aware the NSW Government is about to begin over 100 state-wide consultations on person centred approaches. This is a great chance for you to further debate, discuss and progress the introduction of self-directed supports in NSW.

NSW In Control Members have prepared the attached  paper, which we hope you find thought provoking as you prepare to have your say at these important consultations.

We are asking people to consider:

·         What it takes to get personal and get a life?
·         What a person centred approach means to you?
·         What you will really need to make this happen?

This is definitely a time for people’s voices to be heard about self-directed supports – so please raise your voice.

To find out more about the consultations click here

While you are online don’t forget to check out In Control on Facebook:

Kind Regards,

Aine Healy
On behalf of In Control NSW

Brigette Elliott I Executive Officer
In Control Australia

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Carbon Tax will further increase costs - will we get more funding??

Interesting article on the Liberal Party website which was picked up by google alerts.

Good reminder for us all to talk to our local members of Parliament.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Resourcing Families event - Creating Inclusive Lives - the Canadian Experience

Resourcing Families is a new initiative of Family Advocacy.  Information and resources can be found

Resourcing Families presents Creating Inclusive Lives – the Canadian Experience.  This workshop is for families, friends and professionals interested in creating rich inclusive lives for people with developmental disability.

Resourcing Families would like to inform you about the opportunity to attend an exciting workshop on 18 August.  The workshop gives you the opportunity to:
·         learn from many years of experience in self directed funding in Canada
·         hear about strategies to build inclusive communities
·         explore opportunities for post school life
·         understand the value and importance of a vision in creating a rich life

This one day workshop includes presentations by family members and professionals who have a long history of supporting inclusion and self directed funding in Canada.  It is a wonderful opportunity to learn directly from a large group of people who have experienced many years of self-directed funding in Canada, and will be particularly helpful as the NSW government has committed to making self-directed funding an options for all support by 1 July 2014.

Please see the attached flier for more information and for details of cost and registration.

It would be great if you could let families and professionals who may be interested know about the workshop.

Please do not hesitate to contact Resourcing Families for more information on (02) 9869 0866 or 1800 620 588 or by email


Emma Baxter & Kim Roots

-------------------- PO Box 502 Epping NSW 1710 --------------------
Suite 305 16-18 Cambridge St Epping 2121
ph: 02 9869 0866  Freecall: 1800 620 588  Fax: 02 9869 0722

Thursday, July 14, 2011

ADHC Person Centred Approaches Consultations across NSW

Consultations with people with a disability, their families and carers, as well as workshops with service providers will be held from 1 August to 2 September 2011 at a range of locations around the state.

Phone and online registrations open 18 July 2011 - see attached news sheet.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011




The newsletter starts with a discobility, a music course, the Leisure booklet and a post school options transition forum.  Carers are reminded of the Triple P and other free parenting courses, the National Pain Week, and the booklet on services for children aged 0-6 with additional needs.

Financial matters include the Commonwealth Bank Community grant, Quantum’s Print Disability Scholarship Program and Seniors Grant, the education tax rebate for students, free Tax Help, and the position of manager at DARTS in Chatswood.  Resources include booklets on substitute consent, disability support pension, the first World Disability Report, free ebooks at Project Gutenberg, various legal services and assistance, podcasts on equipment for vision impaired people, and the Thing before you Park campaign by Guide Dogs.  You are invited to complete two surveys (this disability newsletter, and employing a person with a disability), have your say on Collaroy accessibility and the medical facilities in the Lower North Shore, nominate people for the NSW Carers awards and the National Disability awards, and undertake the novel Cerebral Palsy Challenge 2011.  There is also an update on action for the NDIS.

Workshops and conferences address self directed funding, understanding others’ needs, rethinking risk, creating inclusive lives, planning for future care needs, facilitating groups, language development.  There are also conferences:  Sydney CAREX, and the NSW / ACT ASID, as well as courses offered by Relationships Australia and TRI IT.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!  The next newsletter will be sent on 22 July.

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Located at Dee Why Library, Pittwater Road and St Davids Avenue, Dee Why NSW 2099.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371.  Also

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Auxiliary Meeting 4 June 2011

The Minutes of Sunnyfield Auxiliary meeting held on 4th June, 2011 are attached.  
Also attached is a copy of letter that was received by Frank Renwick from Tony Abbott (referred to in the Minutes) re the Liberal Party’s endorsement of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.  

In addition, we also attach John Connell’s (Sunnyfield Chairman) reply to the query from the Auxiliary Committee re bonuses paid to senior staff under previous management.
The next Sunnyfield Auxiliary Meeting is scheduled for 6th August, 2011 at Sunnyfield Canteen at 2.00pm – hope to see you there.
Clare Stewart & Robyn Chapman

Thursday, July 7, 2011

NDIS Video: 3 easy steps to meet your MP

Next week Federal MP's begin their five-week winter break from Canberra and will be at home in their electorates.

We need your help to visit every single Federal MP and ask them to support the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

If you've never spoken to your Federal MP before, it's easy.
David Pearce, a campaigner from Tasmania can show you how.
David visited his Federal MP Andrew Wilkie, and we filmed him every step of the way.

Andrew Wilkie MP, 'I Count'. Watch the video and read the transcript.

Step One: Contact your Federal MP's electorate office and make an appointment.
Use our tool to find your MP.

Step Two: Meet your MP.
At your meeting there are six ways your Federal MP can show support for the NDIS. Read our guide to talking to MPs here.

Step Three: Let us know how the meeting went.

You can see our gallery of which MP’s have said 'Count Me In'.
MP's are our voice in Parliament, but they can only represent us if they know our concerns.
It's up to us to tell them.

John Della Bosca
and the Every Australian Counts team
PS: You can also ask your MP to join you at a DisabiliTea on Tuesday 2 August. Don't forget to register to receive your kit.
Over 400 people have registered and we're expecting thousands of people to join us for tea to raise awareness of the NDIS on Tuesday 2 August.

In Control flier to hlep peple prepare for ADHC consultations

Dear In Control Friends in NSW,

As many of you are aware the NSW Government is about to begin over 100 state-wide consultations on person centred approaches. This is a great chance for you to further debate, discuss and progress the introduction of self-directed supports in NSW.

NSW In Control Members have prepared the attached  paper, which we hope you find thought provoking as you prepare to have your say at these important consultations.

We are asking people to consider:

·         What it takes to get personal and get a life?
·         What a person centred approach means to you?
·         What you will really need to make this happen?

This is definitely a time for people’s voices to be heard about self-directed supports – so please raise your voice.

To find out more about the consultations click here

While you are online don’t forget to check out In Control on Facebook:

Kind Regards, 
Belinda Epstein-Frisch

On behalf of In Control NSW

NDS News Update - NDIS Campaign Grows Louder

NDIS Campaign Grows Louder

Later this week radio advertisements promoting the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will commence across Australia. National radio networks including Macquarie Radio and DMG (which includes Nova and Classic Rock) will broadcast three community service ads in rotation. A key theme will contrast the right to medical treatment in Australia with the absence of a similar right to disability support.

The 'Every Australian Counts' Campaign has also secured an in-principle commitment from a major television network to run free advertisements.

The Campaign is attracting endorsements from diverse sources.

Recently, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference voiced its support. "One of the hoped outcomes of the proposed NDIS will be to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all people with disability, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity," the Catholic Bishops said.

In late June the Liberal Party's Federal Council passed a resolution moved by Shadow Minister Mitch Fifield, recognising that "the current system of support for Australians with a disability is broken," looking forward to the Productivity Commission's Draft Report on Disability Care and Support and calling for "a system of disability support, based on need, with the individual or their family in charge and able to choose the provider of their services."

The President of the powerful CFMEU, Tony Maher, has called the NDIS the 'light on the hill' needed in social policy: "As we live through the unprecedented resources boom, now is the right time to make big, transformational social policy decisions ... By the end of the year the government needs to respond to the recommendations of the Productivity Commission. It's time to lift our level of ambition. It's time we improved society. It's time for a National Disability Insurance Scheme."

In her speech last week to the Economic and Social Outlook Conference in Melbourne, Federal Minister Jenny Macklin focussed on the need for disability reform: "A National Disability Insurance Scheme would be a fundamental change to the way that people with disability receive support. We will need to seriously consider the [Productivity] Commission's final recommendations and the implications for current services and arrangements in close consultation with state and territory governments, service providers, employers and of course people with disabilities and their families and carers. And any change must be economically sustainable. As with all changes of this scale and impact, this work is complex. Reform is necessary."

The 'Every Australian Counts' Campaign is inspiring a wide range of activities: 416 organisations and individuals (so far), including NDS members, have registered to run DisabiliTEA events on 2 August. At least 12,000 people (including MPs) are expected to attend. This will help draw attention to the delivery of the Productivity Commission's final report on Disability Care and Support to the Federal Government. To register and get more information, go to

Last week NDS spoke on the NDIS at an international conference at the University of Sydney and this week will participate in a roundtable discussion on the NDIS at a University of NSW conference.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Family Advocacy Communiqué June 2011

Please find attached the latest edition of Communiqué June 2011, along with a letter in regards to the retiring of the Journal Families for Change.

Kind regards,

Rhiannon Brodie
Communications Officer
Family Advocacy