Saturday, March 27, 2010

What do Sunnyfield Members think about this?

A Supported Living Fund is simple and a new idea for NSW. It provides support for families to plan so that men and women with disability can have a home of their own in a planned and timely fashion.

It is a sensible idea that supports and rewards initiative, taking families from a position of dependence, stress and crisis, to a position in which they are empowered to plan and to take the lead. The reward will come in the form of resources that provide for paid support to compliment informal support provided by family and friends. And what better way to ensure that the resources really make a difference than to offer families the opportunity to direct their own support, either through an existing service, by use of a financial intermediary or by receiving a direct payment to pay for whatever support is required.

A Supported Living Fund challenges the perversities of our current system; whilst talking of prevention and early intervention, the current system thwarts family initiative and rewards crisis and dependence. We all know that such crisis driven response is very costly – for people with disability, their families and ‘the system’.

A Support Living Fund challenges the NSW Government to be serious about moving from crisis intervention to prevention, from having sole responsibility for long term care and support to being a partner in care and support. It does this by encouraging and supporting family initiative while families still have the capacity to partner.

We want to see a Supported Living Fund as a centre piece of the second stage of Stronger Together and call on families and allies across the State to get behind the concept in the lead up to the NSW State election in March 2011.

Family Advocacy's full paper is attached here.

Friday, March 26, 2010

In Control Australia forum: "How can Self Directed Support work in practice?"

On Monday 22 March at Burwood RSL a most enlightening forum set out to explain... "What Self Directed Planning, Funding and support mean for people with high and complex needs - a forum that unpacks what is required by governments, services, people with a disability and families to turn rhetoric into practice".

Di Cook and Chris Howells attended.

Details of the agenda can be found here and if you want to read more on Self Managed Funding read In Control's comments here. See also links in PLACES YOU MIGHT LIKE TO VISIT (bottom left side of this Blog) to web site for Family Advocacy NSW, Queensland's Homes West, South Australia's Julia Farr Organisation and Queensland's Mamre Association. All of these organisations are promoting self managed funding and it would seem that the state of NSW is badly lagging the best practices of other states in strongly supporting and expanding the role of families in the management of funding granted to their disabled family members.

Those of you who watched the Breaking Point ABC 4-Corners program will envy the independence and improvements offered by the modern enlightenment of Self Managed Care in the UK.

PowerPoint copies of the presentations will be available shortly and will be notified by a new posting or a comment on this posting.

If you want to support moves by Sunnyfield's Members to get SMF going in NSW - please add your comments here now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The newsletter starts with hip hop, and the reminder to apply for Leisure Links by 31 March. Carers can attend seminars on transition to school, preparing for the future, supporting grandchildren and relatives with autism. There are also several activities for young and adult carers of a recreational and supportive nature. The Alison Watson Memorial Award assists people with arthritis.

You are invited to read and provide your opinion on the new Carers Recognition Bill and the Proposed Guardianship Regulation. Workshops and meetings involve mental health, depression, responding to violent youth, arthritis, facilitating, web accessibility, the new CAPS program. There is an Open Day at a respite house. Conferences focus on person centred practice, autism, mental health, print disability, biochemical imbalances, manual handling. Various professional development courses are being run the Northside Community Connect, BrightSky and ParaQuad NSW

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371; email

Monday, March 15, 2010

Superannuation changes for our Supported Employees

Frank Francis has sent these details of a new Superannuation scheme for Sunnyfield's disabled employees. Families with members who work at Sunnyfield should have received various letters on this matter already.

In December 2009 the Australian Industrial Relations Commission released the final version of the Supported Employment Services Award 2010. This Award covers employers throughout Australia who operate supported employment services and their employees (including supported employees).

Changes in the Award included the following provision effective from 1st January 2010:
“where an employee with a disability is being paid less than $450 per month, superannuation contributions for such employees will be either 3% of their ordinary earnings or $6.00 per week whichever is the greater”.

Prior to 1st January 2010 there was no provision to pay superannuation for employees earning less than $450 per month.

In January 2010 advice outlining the superannuation enhancements to wages was attached to the payslips of all our supported employees. In February 2010 Asset Super, Sunnyfield’s default superannuation fund, issued a further explanation notice to members, parents and guardians via our supported employees home address.

Sunnyfield’s Client Relationship Manager at Asset Super is Lee Surace and he may be contacted on (02) 8923 0511 or 0438 248880 or by email to

Friday, March 12, 2010

NSW Carer's Recognition Bill 2010

The Bill was read into Parliament today and you can read Andrew Constance's speech here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The NSW Carers Recognition Bill 2010 is now online

by email from Nell Brown Wed 10 March 2010
You can read it at

The bill goes before parliament for the first reading at 10.00 am on Friday. Anyone who would like to attend parliament on this day to support the bill will be welcome.

There are discussions at a variety of venues in NSW regarding the NSW Carers Recognition Bill 2010. You can find a venue near you and you are all very welcome to attend.

Please inform all parents and carers in your address books of this bill by distributing this email.

by email from Nell Brown Tues 9 March 2010
As many of you are aware, on behalf of the NSW Liberals & Nationals, the Shadow Disability Services Minister, Andrew Constance, has taken steps in the NSW Parliament to introduce a Carers Recognition Act. This legislation is the first step towards recognition in New South Wales of carers in their own right.

The NSW Liberals & Nationals would like to invite you to discuss our NSW Carers Recognition Bill 2010 at the Small Hall of the Pennant Hills Community Centre , Yarrara Road, Pennant Hills, on Monday, March 15, at 4.00 pm.

Andrew Constance will be there, along with colleague, Kevin Humphries MP, Shadow Minister for Mental Health,.

Thank you and please continue to tell your fellow carers, friends, family and work colleagues about the website and our legislation, the NSW Carers Recognition Bill 2010.

Below is the link to the NSW Carers Recognition Bill 2010
Yours Sincerely

Judy Hopwood MP
Member for Hornsby

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Inquiry into a National Long Term Care and Support Scheme for people with a disability and their families

Di Cook brings this to our attention:-

The Australian Government is committed to developing a National Disability Strategy to enhance the quality of life and increase economic and social participation for people with disability and their carers. The Commission will begin the inquiry in April 2010. That is, Next month!

Be sure you register your interest in the Productivity Commission inquiry into a National Long Term Care and Support Scheme for people with a disability and their families.

Last week the Productivity Commission received their terms of reference for the inquiry you can view the terms at:

The terms of reference are deliberately broad and wide ranging to allow a thorough exploration of the many complex issues which would be thrown up by the introduction and implementation of a National Care and Support Scheme.

The Productivity Commission will hold public consultations as part of its inquiry. It is absolutely vital that the Commission hear from people with a disability, their families and carers, as well as the organisations that support them. If the system is truly to be reformed it must take account of the experiences and needs of people with a disability and their families. It is only with these experiences as a base that real transformative change will be achieved. The commission must hear the voices of those with real live experience of disability.

This is your chance to have your say about how you would like the system to change - do not miss this important opportunity to shape the future of people with a disability, their families and carers in this country.

Register your interest at: That way you will know when the consultations begin and how you can participate.

Thank you again for your support.
The NDIS Team

If Sunnyfield members think we should band together to lobby this enquiry please add a Comment to this posting or email Neale Parnaby, Di Cook or Chris Howells (use the "Followers" section below).

Taverner Research and NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General

We would like your opinion

Taverner Research is conducting a Client Satisfaction Study on behalf of the NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General of people with disabilities who have dealt with any of these NSW services in the past twelve months:

§ The Anti Discrimination Board
§ The Administrative Decisions Tribunal
§ Law Access
§ A Local Court
§ NSW Trustee and Guardian (clients of the former Office of the Protective Commissioner)
§ Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages
§ Victims Services

The outcomes of the study will help to improve these services for people with disabilities. As a thank you for taking part in the study participants will receive a $75 gift voucher.

If you would like to take part or would like to know more about the study please call Richard at Taverner Research on 1800 212 290 or email him at

Or go to this web address for more information:


The newsletter starts with two discobilities, weekend soccer for kids, boccia state titles, women’s wheelchair basketball festival, sailability, adult outdoor activities. Then there are several Auslan activities, drama, the Royal Easter Show, and three holiday programs. Activities for carers include meetings on transition to school, art for littlies, Cubby House’s birthday, several carer workshops and activities, vacancies in case management. Financial items comprise the Northern Harbour Relay for Life, a national youth self-portrait prize, and the NRMA insurance community grants.

You are invited to join the trip to Canberra regarding education, provide feedback on several agencies and a disability policy, participate in a study and artwork competition, or volunteer for Carers NSW. Resources include a an update on the National Disability Insurance, university students seeking placements, vacancies for lawn mowing, DVDs on engaging men and starting school, awareness days or week for Down Syndrome/ coeliac disease / arthritis, and the Carecareers website.

Workshops involve working with carers, active support, macular degeneration, the touching base workshop, abuse of older people, music therapy, fair work practices, advanced behavioural methods and person centred practice. Conferences are run on CJD, ADHD, the arts, coeliac disease, self-directed planning, genetic diseases, autism and orientation and mobility. A variety of professional development courses are being run the PWD, LGS, Northside Community Connect and IFP.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!
Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371, email