Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Breaking News: Productivity Commission Draft Report Released - 28/02/11

Caroline Cuddihy asks that this be notified to all members.  Please sign to pledge to join (see below in Della Bosca's message) and go and talk to your State and Federal local Members so that they understand where your vote stands.

This afternoon the Productivity Commission released its long awaited draft report into Disability Care and Support.
The Commission has recommended the introduction of a National Disability Insurance Scheme and has outlined a number of recommendations about the way it could operate and be funded.
The report is long and detailed, examining many of the complex issues that must be addressed before the NDIS can be introduced and implemented. As a result it will take some time for us to go through all the detail. In the meantime the key points are:
·  The Commission has accepted that the disability system is "inequitable, underfunded, fragmented and inefficient and gives people with a disability little choice ... a real system for people with disabilities is required." The Commission has therefore accepted the need for reform and for an NDIS.
·  The Commission has also accepted that the nation must better meet the needs of those people who currently do not receive any or only inadequate support and that their improved support packages would be portable across state and territory borders.
·  The Commission recommends the introduction of a fully funded National Disability Insurance Scheme with individualised funding to ensure people with a disability and their families are able to exercise greater choice and control about the supports they need.
·  The Commission has also suggested an entirely separate scheme for people requiring lifetime care and support for castrophic injuries. To be known a the NIIS, a no-fault National Injury Insurance Scheme it would draw on the best schemes operating around Australia.
Thank you to the many individuals and organisations who took the time to make a submission to the inquiry to make the case for change - the Commission has listened to your stories and acted on them.
There has been considerable media interest in today's announcement - you will find all the coverage on our website and our facebook page as it becomes available.
But positive recommendations are only one step on this journey. We are still a long way from all parties committing to implementing the Commission's recommendations.
We need to maintain the pressure on Members of Parliament and opinion leaders to introduce the NDIS. We need to continue to spread the word, and increase the number of people who have taken the "Count Me In" pledge on the website.
Please continue to spread the word among your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.
The Productivity Commission thinks every Australian should count. Now let's convince the people and the parliament.
John Della Bosca and the NDIS team

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