Saturday, June 26, 2010

Message to the Auxiliary from the Chair

It was a great pleasure to meet many of the Auxiliary members at the meeting last week.  A couple of suggestions were made during the meeting, which I followed up with Frank Francis for some positive outcomes:
1. There was a suggestion that families might like to have regular scheduled meetings with house managers.  At the moment, meetings are held on an "as needs" basis, but Frank has invited any family wishing to do so to schedule a regular meeting if they feel this would better meet their needs.
2. There was a suggestion that families might like to meet with Frank at the afternoon teas held at our group homes without the staff present.  Frank is very happy to do this, and invitations in the future will offer this option for families.
3. There was a report that staff members had stated that there were not allowed to attend birthday parties.  Frank has confirmed that there is no policy in Sunnyfield preventing staff members from attending birthday parties for the people we support.  Please feel free to invite any staff member you wish to attend.
As I mentioned, Mark Clayton will attend the next meeting of the Auxiliary to present on the issues arising out of the ageing of the people we support, and Frank Francis will also attend. 
Field of Dreams, our regular newsletter, will be posted to families soon, and the text of my Personal Perspective on the Sunnyfield Strategy which I discussed with you, will be included.  I hope you find all the information in Field of Dreams useful, and I look forward to seeing you all again at future meetings.
Patricia McKenzie
Chair, Sunnyfield

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