Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fantastic Opportunity to meet with John O'Brien for individuals and families

Michaela Kennedy brings this to our attention:

We excited to be able to provide an amazing opportunity to meet with two of the world's original innovators in supporting people with disabilities to lead fully inclusive lives.  John O'Brien and his partner Connie Lyle-O'Brien.  This opportunity is specifically designed for individuals and families.
John and Connie are coming to Australia for a number of engagements and have offered us in Sydney this exclusive opportunity. 

During this time of change towards personalisation and new opportunities for individualised funding John and Connie will discuss their experiences from around the world during their practice of over 30 years.

Please share the attached flier with your members, friends and families and all those who have an interest in supporting the lives of people with disabilities and their families to be in their control.

Many thanks
How People with Intellectual Disabilities and Their Families Are Building Better Communities

Thursday -­‐ 19 April 2012
Parliament House, Macquarie St, Sydney Theaterette 10am – 3pm. Morning Tea and Lunch Included Only -­‐ $15

Facilitated by John O’Brien and Connie Lyle-O’Brien (US)
People with intellectual disabilities and their families make contributions to community life that most experts never predicted. Their achievements have led to changes in policies and laws. But most still face a hard road to take their rightful place as respected, well-supported participants in schools, places of work and leisure, and civic and political life.
In this time together, we’ll explore some lessons from the stories of people and families who are making a positive difference in their communities.

John O’Brien learns about building more just and inclusive communities from people with disabilities, their families and their allies. He uses what he learns to advise people with disabilities and their families, advocacy groups, service providers, and governments and to spread the news among people interested in change by writing and through workshops. He is affiliated with the Center on Human Policy (USA). The National Development Team for Services to People with Learning Difficulties (UK), and the Marsha Forest Centre: Inclusion. Family. Community (Canada).

Connie Lyle O’Brien has spent the last 25 years learning about what it takes for people with disabilities, their families, friends and allies to better support people with disabilities to live, work, learn, worship and have fun as full participants in community life. In collaboration with her partner, John O’Brien, and other members of the Responsive Systems Associates network, Connie has developed methods for helping people learn about the principle of normalization through PASS, assisted people in implementing and evaluating citizen advocacy programs,
 developed Person Centred methods for planning and co-authored a variety of articles and manuscripts to assist people who are learning to develop effective service programs and build more competent communities.

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