NSW CID Mental Health Campaign – It’s not too late! Thank you to all the NSW CID Members and supporters who took the time to alert both Federal and State Ministers to the needs of people with intellectual disability who also have mental illness.
If you have not already taken part in this campaign and would like to lend your voice to this issue - please click here.
Inclusion of all people with intellectual disability in the NDIS The National Council on Intellectual Disability (NCID) has launched a position statement, which strongly opposes the removal of intellectual disability from the Productivity Commission's proposed eligibility framework.
To read this statement and to find out how to lend your support to this campaign click here.
NSW CID Healthier Lives Forum Albury - 19 July - Book Now! NSW CID will be hosting this event at the Commercial Club in Albury. There will be 10 guest speakers, who will cover a range of topics on how to get good health care and stay healthy. NSW CID looks forward to meeting people from Albury and surrounding areas at this forum.
To find out more details and to book your place click here.
NSW CID & Medicare Locals Project As part of our health advocacy work NSW CID will be undertaking a new project. It will aim to promote collaboration between local intellectual disability groups and Medicare Locals and responsiveness by Medicare Locals to the needs of people with intellectual disability. This is a 12 month project and will involve the development of resources which will be available on our website.
NSW Government Person Centred Approaches Consultation Summit, 7-8 July This two day summit will launch an extensive consultation process around the NSW Government's individualised funding reforms to the disability sector. To find out how you can have our say at this or 1 of the 100 consultations that will happen in the next 12 months please click here.
Developmental Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour: Research to Practice and Policy Conference, 30 September
The Faculty of Health Sciences and Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Sydney and NSW CID are pleased to be presenting this conference. Leading International and Australian researchers will present the latest developments in supporting challenging behaviours in people with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Guest Speakers include Professor Eric Emerson, Professor Ian Hickie, Professor Bruce Tonge and many more.
To see the full details click here.
Mental Health Inquiry The Federal Government has just announced an inquiry into Commonwealth Funding and Administration of Mental Health Services. NSW CID will be making a submission to this timely inquiry. To find out the terms of reference and how you can make a submission please click here.
Resources Apps for Literacy Support, Greg O'Connor from Spectronics has created a list of Apps for iPad and iPod Touch/iPhone that support the literacy needs of people who struggle with reading and writing. Click here for more details.
Presentations from the National Disability and Carer Congress held in May 2011 in Melbourne are available for download from National Disability Services (NDS)’s website. Click here for more information and to download presentations. Touching Base, ‘Policy and Procedural Guide for disability service providers supporting clients to access sex workers’. This resource contains information which is vital to understanding how to support the sexual rights of people with disabilities. Click here for more details. Office of the Public Guardian booklet, ‘Substitute Consent – What the Law Says’- Gives outlines on who can give consent to medical and dental treatment when the person concerned is unable to. Click here for more details. Legal Aid NSW has launched a new resource: "Disability Support Pension" and it is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, Turkish and Vietnamese. Click here to order.
Events Family Advocacy, ‘Let’s get Started’ Workshops on starting school for families with a member with developmental disability, Kingsford 29 June, Mittagong 30 June, South Hurstville 1 July. Click here for registration information. TAFE, Social and Occupational Skills for Youth with Aspergers, various dates and locations, contact Simon Piggott on 9472 1239 or 0434 322 451 or email Simon.Piggott@tafensw.edu.au for more information. Accessible Arts, Studio Artes Artists exhibition, Parliament House, 5 - 26 July. Click here for more information. Carers NSW, Free workshop for carer support group facilitators, Tweed Heads Friday 1 July
Sydney Thursday 7 July. Click here or call (02) 9280 4744 for more details. NSW Government, state-wide consultation process on person-centred approaches for the NSW disability service system, 7 and 8 July, Homebush. Click here for more details and to register. CDS, Person Centred Graphics Facilitation: 2-day Workshop, 7/8 July, email mcarrick@med.usyd.edu.au or call 8878 0500 for more information or to register. Softball for people with ID, Blacktown International Sports Park Rooty Hill, Registration day July 10, email genmanager@softball.net.au for more info and registration. Achieve Australia, Working with Challenging Behaviours, 12 July, email BISevents@dhs.nsw.gov.au for more information or to register. Baptist Community Services, July School Holiday Program for children with a mild disability and who live in Hornsby or Kuring-gai areas, 4, 6, 11, and 13 July for Primary aged children, and 5,7,12, and 14 July for High school aged children, call 8438 8800 for details and to register. Recreation Rendezvous, one year theatre project for adults with disability, Lane Cove, 20 July, phone 9420 8555 or email olga@recrend.org.au for more information. Fragile X Awareness Day, 22 July, for more information contact Fragile X Association of Australia – click here to go to website. Northern Area Recreation Association (NARA), Indoor soccer for people with intellectual disability, Thornleigh, 23 July, call 9452 4993 for more information. Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect), 'Recipe for Success' a Positive Behaviour Support Workshop for parents/carers, Newcastle, 26 July to 28 July More information including how to register or jwoodward@autismspectrum.org.au. Autism Advisory and Support Service, 'Walking in Autistic Shoes', 28 July, Liverpool West, phone 9601 2844 or email info@aass.org.au for more information and to register. Foundations Forum Inc, 'How can I know what someone else needs?' ,Understanding the Needs of People with Communication Difficulties Workshop, 28 July, North Ryde. Click here to download flyer and registration form. Nominations for the 2011 National Disability Awards have been extended to Friday 29 July, click here to download a nomination form and nomination guidelines or call 1800 440 385 to order hard copies. IDRS, How to Support Clients with Intellectual Disability around Common Legal Issues (going to court, Guardianship, Consumer issues), 29 July, BISevents@dhs.nsw.gov.au for more information or to register. Down Syndrome NSW, Growing older with Down syndrome- an information/support event for parents and family carers of people with Down syndrome 35 years and over, 30 July, email info@dsansw.org.au to book. This event is free but bookings are required. Every Australian Counts Campaign, DisabiliTea on Tuesday 2 August. Click here to sign up to receive a kit to get you started. National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week (CP Week), 31 July-6 August, Click here for more information. Fighting Chance Australia, Supported Accommodation Models for People with Disabilities – Past, Present, Future?, Parliament House, 3 August, email fightingchancefund@gmail.com for more information. CCWT/ACWA, Social Integration: Explore how to assist people with a disability to make friends and be more included in their community presented by Fiona McGill Aug 22. Click here for more details. EDuCARE, Sue Larkey: Teaching Strategies and Behaviour Support, Autism / Asperger's Syndrome - 29 August, Newcastle, email Educare-Admin@hnehealth.nsw.gov.au for more information. Hawkesbury Nepean Community Legal Centre, seminar about discrimination in schools for parents and carers of a person with a disability, Richmond, 12 September, ph 0425 380 575 or email info@autismsupport.org.au for more information. 5th International SRV (Social Role Valorization) Conference, ‘Getting the good life: From ideas to action’, 21-23 September, Woden. Click here for more information. Faculty of Health Sciences and Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Sydney with the NSW CID, "Developmental Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour: Research to Practice and Policy", 30 September, email Imelda.noti@sydney.edu.au for more details or to register. CCWT/ACWA, Teaching Functional Skills: Explore strategies to teach practical skills to people with an intellectual disability so they can become more independent presented by Fiona McGill Oct 24, 25. Click here for more details ECIA NSW 24th Annual Conference 2011, Sydney, 27-28 October, click here for details.
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