Friday, February 5, 2010



The newsletter starts two discobilities, accessible dance classes, annual surfing day at Collaroy, listening group at Mona Vale library, and Auslan / Audio described theatre. There are also two opportunities to explore relationships, and an Easter camp. Activities for carers include counselling support groups in various locations, an evening for fathers / grandfathers of children with ASD, and dementia respite and support group. Financial items include two accessible homes, a free photocopier, and a request for an office space for Brain Injury Association.

Your participation is requested for a petition for Kingsdeen Special School, surveys regarding parental support and sport participation, feedback regarding housing in Warringah, invitations to enter the Local Government Cultural Awards or the Other Film Festival, chance for sharing your travel experiences, and need for a volunteer to transport someone to Sailability Manly. Resources include the AIDER program, free dinner on the Northern Beaches, an access guide for the arts.

Training involves Triple P, violence of youth, the Ombudsman, understanding young carers, disability and sensory issues, information for aged care and end of life. ADHC and several partners have organised a month of workshops for professionals, carers and families (see summary). . Conferences and meetings focus on leisure and disability programs, ADHD, World Down Syndrome Day, inspiring communities, intellectual disability. There are also calls for presentations at two conferences, as well as several vacancies at Sunnyfield.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always!

Regards, Marjorie Janz, Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Located at Dee Why Library, Pittwater Road and St Davids Avenue, Dee Why 2099.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371. Alternate email

The full newsletter is here...

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