Hi there everyone. No newsletter this time but some important news regardless.
Self Directed Funding for Community Participation
For those of you who are interested in self directed funding, you can apply for a self directed package for Community Participation. Check the ADHC website for details, then call intake and register your request and you can get the ball rolling from there.
What you need to do before hand is make a PLAN of what you want to do with the $. In our previous newsletters there are a few websites as a resource, which it turn have resource websites on their pages you can refer to, so get digging if thats what you want to do.
If any of you know of anyone who has a CP SDF, and would like to share what it looks like, how they got it etc, please put them in contact with us. Then, we all can understand the potential of the funding and how it can be used. Family Advocacy has a very interesting website also, it is certainly worth a look
On the ADHC website there are a number of service providers listed who can help you on your way.
Julie Simpson visiting and helping with planning
Julie will be in Sydney in March helping me commence doing some planning with her for my son. If you would like me to help you once I have done it please get in touch with me via email. Remember, having a detailed plan with the vision for your relative helps you on the way to planning how you will use your SDF $ in the best possible way. So getting started with this important Person Centred Plan for your son , daughter or relative is a fundamental first step.
InControl Self Managed Funding Seminar
What does Self Directed Planning, Funding and Support mean for people with high and complex needs? is a forum that will grapple with what it will take to put self directed funding, planning and support into practice.
Please see attached flyer and see if you can get to this workshop, it really sounds interesting. I will be attending.
Kind regards
Rita Kolano for Pathways to Leadership 0416 017 544
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