Dear Sunnyfield Members,
I am very sorry to tell you that I will be overseas for the next Sunnyfield Member's Auxiliary meeting on 18 September and also for the AGM scheduled for 20 October 2010 to be held at the Harbord Diggers Club.
We have seen much change at Sunnyfield, particularly over the past few years.
I understand that there will be a very important debate at the AGM around the rights and responsibilities of all Members of Sunnyfield, whether Members have any “carried interests”, whether Sunnyfield owes any “preferential” services to Members and if so exactly what is or should be offered to Members.
I strongly urge that you carefully read the papers that will be circulated on this matter and attend to hear the arguments both FOR and AGAINST. Then you can cast your vote one way or the other.
In my opinion the advent of NDIS and SDF[1] provide a great opportunity for all parents and we should work diligently to ensure that both become the way of the future. There is no way the Government will allow us to revert to the preferential and priority system we had 60 years ago. The risks of trying to oppose the new Government directions are too dangerous and, in my opinion, will not achieve anything positive for our sons and daughters.
The value of Membership is that you should have some say in this, by working with the Government and having the opportunity to create some additional approaches within the framework of the Government offers.
If you cannot attend the meeting may I suggest that you consider making sure that your Proxy to vote - both your Membership vote and your new Family Vote - are given to another Auxiliary Member who is planning to attend and can thereby make sure your vote is used to show the future direction that you require from Sunnyfield. I believe that you should, if possible, indicate the way you wish to vote on your Proxy.
Yours Sincerely
Bryan Whiddon
[1] NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme proposed by Bill Shorten in the last election campaign; SMF is Self Managed Funding – this is being trialled by ADHC in NSW and some Sunnyfield Members are already gaining the benefits proven in UK , Canada etc.
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