Monday, August 30, 2010

Attention: An invitation to Parents with disabled family still living at home - do you need a long term sustainable accommodation solution for your family?

10 Bangalow Ave,
Home: 02 9979 5103, mobile: 0412 232 535

Dear Sunnyfield Members
At the Sunnyfield Member’s Auxiliary meeting on 20 June I proposed that all those families who still had their disabled family members living at home should meet in a public workshop.
Of the 300 odd families who are represented by Membership in Sunnyfield today, as many as 200 may not yet have an accommodation solution for their disabled person
This was raised with Members in a survey in 2004 and again in the recent 2010 Member’s Satisfaction Survey.  As yet no results have been released for the 2010 position but in 2004, 74% of clients were 30-60 years old, 82% of the carers were 60+ years old and 62% said “NO” to the question “are there family members guaranteed to assume the principal carer role”.
Time is flying by, the Federal and State Government’s policies for disability are in disarray and neither is very likely to initiate any actions to help families.
This workshop therefore aims to discuss publicly, amongst Sunnyfield Members, what options exist and what extra help is required to make sure that there is a workable transition in care for the disabled who do not yet have a funded accommodation solution after the family can no longer cope.
I personally don’t think we will find a “one size fits all” answer and that the best outcome will be for smaller groups (6-12 families) to form and collectively work to solve that small group’s particular needs and wants.  This is I am told the pattern adopted by Mamre and Homes West in Queensland and they strongly advise that it must be kept small to make it workable.
I think we will, ourselves, have to do what is required.  No-one else will do it for us, more is the pity.
I also think we must involve the siblings of the disabled people as the younger generation, by definition, will be required to pick up the pieces. Better they play a very active role now in setting up a system that will not leave broken bits when the parents can no longer cope.
I suggest we start with a discussion for an hour or so and finish with a BBQ and we can continue to discuss the issues and options as we socialise over a lunch.
May I propose we meet at 1200 on Sat 18th of September at Chatswood Industries before the scheduled Auxiliary Meeting on that day.  We will arrange for BBQ facilities to be available on the day but please bring your own food & drink. 
To let me know if you plan to attend (and how many) email me or call by ‘phone or better log on to the Member’s BLOG and say your piece.
Yours Sincerely
Chris Howells
Vice President, Sunnyfield Members Auxiliary

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