Friday, May 14, 2010

Trudy VanDam and Self Managed Funding/Care

We are most fortunate that Trudy VanDam has agreed to come to the June Auxiliary meeting to talk about Self Managed Care and Funding and to answer any and all questions on this most important subject. Trudy was for many years the CEO of Hornsby Challenge and in the mid 80s set about “de-institutionalising” accommodation and care by moving all their people into community living situations.

There are two important papers that you can read that explain her views; the first called "Beyond Group Homes" (published in 1995) and the second published in 2010 called "A Self directed approach - what does the literature say?".

Two important extracts:-
"A service system offering only group homes still congregates people rather than paying attention to them as individuals and an effect of this congregation is that people are still segregated because service practices such as rigid routines inhibit individual involvement in the community.
People may be accessing some community services, but their behaviour is rigidly organised around staffing availability and rosters, staff control of facilities, routines and the service's preconception of desirable activities for the residents. " (1995).
“When self-directed services are introduced with the right kind of support for people and their choices translate into how money is spent, they deliver huge pay-offs: people get personalised solutions that give them a better quality of life, allow them to participate more in society and form strong relationships at lower cost than traditional service solutions that often isolate and leave them feeling dependent”(2010).

Please read and consider how we can all push for Self Managed Care sooner rather than later. Come along to the June Auxiliary meeting and say your piece.

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