Thank you to those who have already completed our Tell Us Living with Disability Survey. Please note that the survey remains open for people wishing to participate. We set an initial cut-off date of 7 May 2010 so that we could isolate the data collected to that point for a policy submission we are working on. The submission is to the Federal government's Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Inquiry into planning options and services for people ageing with disability.
Again we stress that the survey remains open. We are currently in correspondence with key government officials across the states and territories to seek their support for the circulation of the survey. Because of this we expect the survey will remain open until the end of July.
However, if you haven't already completed the survey, don't wait until July. Do it now while it's on your mind. This is an independent survey run by an independent agency, and it represents an impor tant opportunity for people living with disability to record their views, and with the knowledge that the survey results will be used to push for helpful change.
Your participation in the survey is voluntary - you don't have to be involved if you don't want to.
You have the option of completing the survey in one of four ways:
. Complete the survey online by clicking on the following link; OR
. Complete the survey online by accessing the Julia Farr Association - tell us Living with Disability Survey link on our webpage;
. If you require a hard copy of the survey please contact Alicia Fidock on 8373 8311 and she will send you the survey including a reply paid envelope.
. The electronic version of the survey enables you to enter your responses u sing the computer and saving the completed survey on a CD. If you require an electronic version of the survey please contact Alicia Fidock on 8373 8311 and she will send you a CD version of the survey and a reply paid envelope.
4. Contacting the Julia Farr Association by phone on 1300 857 327 and giving the survey responses verbally over the phone.
This survey is important. As well as your own participation, do please forward this email to other members of the disability community in Australia who might like to be involved in telling us about what key issues are important to them. We know this might mean that some people might get multiple copies of this email, but better to run the risk of receiving several emails rather than receiving none.
If you need assistance completing the survey or have any further questions please contact Alicia Fidock on 8373 8311 or