Sunday, December 13, 2009

Companion Card

Do you know about the NSW Companion Card?

People with a disability, who require attendant care type support, are often required to pay two admission and/or booking fees; one for themselves and one for their companion. This has the effect of increasing the admission and/or booking price for the person with a disability.

How does it work?

The card has a photograph of the cardholder and can be presented when booking or purchasing a ticket at events and venues, provided the cardholder requires attendant care support in order to participate at that particular activity. The participating venue or service will issue the cardholder with a second ticket for their companion at no charge. Download additional information on using your Card and Children and Companion Card in Word or PDF.

Visit the Companion Card Affiliates web page to view all participating organisations or Free call 1800 893 044 or email:

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