Friday, February 26, 2016

Mark Clayton to present on NDIS preparation on 12 March at Allambie Canteen - CORRECTION - DATE CHANGED to 19 March

IMPORTANT - especially for shared living clients and families.

On 12 March 2016 Sunnyfield will do a 1 - 1.5 hour update on the NDIS with an overview of what we currently know and what is needed as we begin to transition clients to the NDIS.  The opportunity is also there following the meeting for interested participants to be part of some small group pre-planning sessions with facilitators with groups of no more than 10 people.

There is some urgency now given that the Shared Living clients and other high support needs clients are the first to be transitioned to the NDIS from July 1.  

Our goal is to get preliminary planning done for all of these clients during mid March to the end of May.  We can collate all the information we currently have on each person to support the family/guardian work through their pre-planing process.  We know that some families may not wish to do this but we will make an offer to assist everyone.

Brookvale Workshop may help your family preparation for the NDIS

 Hear about changes to the disability support system and what it will mean for you.