On 1 July 2015 the full rollout of the NDIS will commence in NSW. To mark this occasion NDS is joining with the broader disability community to host a community information forum and celebration.
We would like to invite your organisation to join us at Penrith Panthers Exhibition Marquee on 1 July at 10.30am.
The registration link for the event is: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ndis-kicks-off-how-will-it-transform-your-life-tickets-17269080284
In partnership with the disability community, we have made the NDIS a reality. Its implementation is a direct result of the collective efforts of over 150,000 people with disability, their families and service organisations who participated in the Every Australian Counts campaign. That's why it's only right that the disability community come together to celebrate this milestone moment.
Here is how you can help make this event a success:
1. Promote this event by emailing the information to your networks. You can download a banner image, flyers and posters at:http://www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au/ndis-kicks-off/
2. Post the details of this event to your organisation’s social media – the Facebook page for the event is: https://www.facebook.com/events/840882329332376/
3. Provide NDS your details and we will mail out a pack of posters and flyers to your office. To sign up for a pack in the mail please fill in your details here:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NDISkicksoff
4. Don’t forget to register to attend at: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ndis-kicks-off-how-will-it-transform-your-life-tickets-17269080284
NDS appreciates your support. We believe that everyone who attends will be provided with useful information about how the NDIS works, and how it will transform the lives of people with disability.