some very brief notes as to what was discussed/agreed.
Please feel free to email any errors or omissions.
1. Start earlier, say 1230 and BBQ/socialise first, 2 x p.a. (All)
2. Ask Caroline Cuddihy if she would like to promote the Auxiliary parent/family mutual support group on Sunnyfield's web page and to new families. (CH)
3. Ask Caroline Cuddihy if we can get a guest speaker 1x p.a. + maybe Centrelink & ADHC? (CH & All)
4. Document & circulate depersonalised summary of funding currently being received by present Auxiliary Members and broader Sunnyfield. (CH) This to assist families making sure they are obtaining all support funding generally available.
5. Approach & get updates from Family Advocacy & Della Bosca("Every Australian Counts") re NDIS and ADHC & circulate. (CH)
6. Review with Caroline Cuddihy Holiday/Respite red-tape; develop/improve relationships with ?Caroline Bruce's Life'n'Leisure and ?CareAway etc. (CH)
7. Next Meeting: perhaps August, date TBA. (All & CH)
8. Auxiliary funding for factory pathways - CC to review options & timing? (CC & B. Mendham)
9. Please email J&B Mendham re availability for Bunnings Sausage BBQ. (0730-1600 Fridays 21mar, 23may, 6jun, 20jun, 15aug, 19sep, 17oct, 14nov, 12dec). (All) Help is needed to keep this fundraising event bringing donations into the Auxiliary