Monday 23 July 2012
The Hon. Andrew Constance, Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services announced today that the second round of 100 packages for the Supported Living Fund will be made available to people with a disability in NSW.
“The NSW government has committed $60 million to the Supported Living Fund (SLF) over the next five years, as part of Stronger Together Two, to provide support for 300 individuals,” Mr Constance said.
“We are very excited that the first round of individuals have commenced with their Supported Living Fund and are starting to build the lives that they want. This next round of funding will bring that opportunity to more people across NSW”.
People who are interested in supported living are now being invited to attend information sessions over the next two months. “This is to make sure they have the right information and that the fund is something that will meet their needs”.
Carers NSW will run a series of information sessions about supported living for people with a disability, their families and carers. They will also be available to assist people with queries about completing an application form.
A further round of funding will be available for 100 Supported Living Fund places in 2013.
Mr Constance said that the Supported Living Fund is a great new example of a person centred approach which places people with a disability and their families and carers at the centre of decision-making about their lives.
For information session details please call Carers NSW on 1800 242 636.
More information about eligibility for the Supported Living Fund and making an application can be found at: