A place for Sunnyfield Members to stay in touch with one another and to make sure that important matters relevant to Sunnyfield and intellectual disability are widely and fairly publicised.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Payroll tax rebates for businesses who hire employees with a disability
The newsletter starts with two discobilities, a Christmas party, free Hip Hop workshops, sport expo at Homebush, Sailability and Camp Willing and Able. Parents and carers can attend activities at Bradfield Park , a workshop on sexuality for youth with intellectual / learning disability, and a new carers group in Waitara. There are vacancies for adults at a day program in Belrose.
Financial matters include fundraising for the Cerebral Palsy Challenge, Northcott and Adaptive Cricket, as well as a scholarship and funding to support carers. Details of two positions are given. Resources deal with Grandparents Day, transition care from child to adult health services, reading training. There are booklets or report on community care workforce, employer attitude toward workers with a disability, post school options, disability reform (South Australian report on Strong Voices), support for siblings, and some training DVDs from Catholic Community Services. You are invited to continue to receive updates on the NDIS, participate in the Leaders for Tomorrow Program or the Police’s Disability Advisory Committee. ADHC requests online feedback on the Supported Living Fund.
Workshops address a child safe community, young people and the law, anti bullying strategies, writing for the internet, law for non-lawyers, writing social stories. The Northern Region Disability Network meets next week, and government departments hold industry briefing sessions for HACC providers. Spectronics offers free online training in several software packages. The conference on Inclusive Technologies and Learning Disability in Education and Employment occurs in December.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always! The next newsletter will be sent on 10 November.
Regards, Marjorie Janz , Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Located at Dee Why Library, Pittwater Road and St Davids Avenue , Dee Why NSW 2099.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371. Also janzm@warringah.nsw.gov.au.
Every Australian Counts
One goal. Three things you can do.
We can't thank you enough for your support so far for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
But there are a lot of people out there who haven't heard about the NDIS and the potential it has to dramatically improve the lives of people with disabilities.
We need more people to hear about the campaign. If support grows and momentum builds, the NDIS will be secured for all Australians.
There are three things you can do from November 27 - December 3 to spread the word. What can you do?
It's easy - you can sign up your friends, neighbours, colleagues or family members, pepper letterboxes with campaign information sheets or hold a community stall.
We need your help to make sure more people with disabilities and their families have a voice in our community.
Take a few minutes, a couple of hours or a whole day - the choice is yours.
Register today to spread the word in your backyard, workplace, street or the local shopping centre. We will send you all you need to get the NDIS out into the community.
Whatever you do it will make a difference to people living with a disability and their families.
John Della Bosca
and the Every Australian Counts team www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au
P.S. Don't forget to pass this email on to your friends and family members - every supporter counts.
We can't thank you enough for your support so far for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
But there are a lot of people out there who haven't heard about the NDIS and the potential it has to dramatically improve the lives of people with disabilities.
We need more people to hear about the campaign. If support grows and momentum builds, the NDIS will be secured for all Australians.
There are three things you can do from November 27 - December 3 to spread the word. What can you do?
It's easy - you can sign up your friends, neighbours, colleagues or family members, pepper letterboxes with campaign information sheets or hold a community stall.
We need your help to make sure more people with disabilities and their families have a voice in our community.
Take a few minutes, a couple of hours or a whole day - the choice is yours.
Register today to spread the word in your backyard, workplace, street or the local shopping centre. We will send you all you need to get the NDIS out into the community.
Whatever you do it will make a difference to people living with a disability and their families.
John Della Bosca
and the Every Australian Counts team www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au
P.S. Don't forget to pass this email on to your friends and family members - every supporter counts.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
NDIS - "Right Now, in Victoria!"
NDIS freedom of choice - rights/entitlement-based services - can occur for some people right now! Why is it not, then? Because the DHS is playing its usual power-over-people games and protecting its bureaucratic empire!
Most parents/families are concerned at the thought of having to place their vulnerable adult family member in a group home, many of which are little more than a staff work-place-hostel, providing little more than minder care, with few transparent outcomes in accordance with defined care policies, standards and values.With parents unable, at present, to live forever, the need was/is seen to seek an alternative to that which could not/can not be trusted to ensure real, meaningful and consistent quality of life care, and where residents, parents, families are often intimidated for daring to question service level and quality. The answer - "Do it yourself!"
The Federal Government had set an individualised funding benchmark with the ISP - "Futures for Young Adults". This was an attempt to capture market-place driven quality. Although this ISP failed to achieve this, through lack of service providers to give effective competition, it set a new ball rolling.
If funding could be individualised - paid to the service user (the customer), rather than bulk funding paid to the day service provider - "Why not apply similar principles to accommodation support?"
The primary intention of the NDIS process is, naturally, to initially provide relief for those families, on very long waiting lists, still providing 24/7 care for their family member at home - with no hope of some freedom before they depart this world. We feel no one would deny them being first cab off the rank for NDIS funding.
There is a strong second place for those families who, currently, have independent accommodation for their family member, especially those in government, direct care, group homes. Many of these families are burnt-out fighting the bureaucratic system, year after year, for a reasonable quality of life care for their family member - in contrast to basic minder-care.
Some of the concerns parents have......... A lady who has recently placed her daughter in a CRU, asks, "When a resident is sick, do the staff have to take that person to the doctor or do they have to call the parent in to do this?" "When a resident has to go to the dental hospital is the parent expected to try and find a family member to assist?" This parent is nervous of a man handling her daughters personal care, yet is in fear of making waves to question staff allocations.
So many parents/families are in fear of many forms of intimidation if they dare to speak-out about the care level and quality concerns they have. The ODSC rate the number-one reason why people do not complain, as being fear of intimidation.
Yet the DHS, Disability Services, Victoria, is totally unable, as a direct result of its 'reactive' management above house supervisor, to solve the direct care staff lore problems which create and perpetuate the fear and concerns most parents have regarding group homes.
Service level and quality is directly proportional with direct care staff integrity, rather than consistently proportional with proactive management above house supervisor to set, monitor and maintain direct-care staff work-value expectations. Where there is almost total reliance on staff integrity, houses swing dramatically.
Achieving consistent and meaningful proactive management requires a market place culture of the type intended through NDIS ISPs (individualised funding), rather than captive market bulk funding - A rights-based service, in contrast to a charity-based service.
Most of the supported accommodation services (group homes) in Victoria are bulk-funded by the DHS. It's a sort of pseudo-bulk-funding, as each resident has a 'unit-cost', considered to be the dollars needed for staff support and administration overheads. Residents pay living expenses - rent, housekeeping and personal expenditure from their DSP.
At no additional cost to government, each resident's 'unit-cost' could be redefined from bulk-funding to"individualised funding". This means they would be free to move, as the NDIS principle intends - but, "RIGHT NOW!"
With a further DHS restrictive practice removed - that residents are denied residential tenancy rights. With residential tenancy rights, as their reasonable human right, the resident group could chose their service provider and write their own care contract.
This early taste of NDIS style freedom of choice, would help to smooth the way for future NDIS ISPs, when federal funding is finally made available.
Extra 1: Crimes against People with a Disability - UK
Extra 2: Poor Support in South Australia
Extra 3: NDIS Appointments
Extra 4: In the Driver's Seat - Yes or No?
Extra 5: No Penalties! No Dobbing! No Worries!
Extra 6: Australians with a Disability - Low Legal & Media Profile
Extra 7: Communications Dispute - Victoria
Extra 8: Check-out some interesting aspects of questionable service provision on the "LISA Forum". Feel free to post to the forum page by registering, under a covert user name, on the left side of the forum page, under "Create an account". There will then be a short delay whilst we approve your registration (Please contact us if you don't have access within two days).
Tel: 03-9434-3810: Email: info@lisainc.com.au or vk3qq@optusnet.com.au
Web: www.lisainc.com.au : www.lisa-aus.blogspot.comNOTE: We are always interested in feedback and information; general, specific, good or bad. If you
wish anonymously: Our mail address is, 73 Nepean Street, Watsonia, 308
Breaking news: New timetable for NDIS
Yesterday we had some fantastic news. State and Territory governments agreed to deliver the foundational work for the National Disability Insurance Scheme by mid 2013 - a year earlier than the Productivity Commission recommended.
It is all your hard work and support that has made this happen. Your voices have been heard and all your campaigning has made a difference. Take a moment to reflect on how far we have all come together.
Our politicians are listening. But we still need to get out in the community and make sure everyone understands why we need an NDIS.
Will you spread the word from November 27 - December 3?
The Federal Government said at yesterday's inaugural COAG Select Council meeting that it "wants to see improvements to disability care and support as quickly as possible".
The State and Territory Disability Ministers and Treasurers all agreed on a timetable for delivering the foundation reforms necessary for the introduction of an NDIS. These reforms include common assessment tools to determine eligibility and strategies to boost the disability workforce.
The Select Council also considered the draft principles to be agreed on by COAG. These principles will guide the work of the Select Council in pursuing reform of disability services.
And earlier this week the advisory body established by the government to provide advice to the Select Council also met for the first time.
So it is clear that all your hard work is making a difference. But we cannot give up - we need to keep the pressure on.
There are three easy things you can do to help during Spread the Word Week - which one will you choose?
Tell your friends, neighbours, work colleagues and family members. The campaign is continuing and we are showing everyone that Every Australian does indeed Count.
John Della Bosca
and the Every Australian Counts team www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au
P.S. Can you watch our latest campaign update video and share it with your friends? Building support for the NDIS is the most important thing you can do right now.
It is all your hard work and support that has made this happen. Your voices have been heard and all your campaigning has made a difference. Take a moment to reflect on how far we have all come together.
Our politicians are listening. But we still need to get out in the community and make sure everyone understands why we need an NDIS.
Will you spread the word from November 27 - December 3?
The Federal Government said at yesterday's inaugural COAG Select Council meeting that it "wants to see improvements to disability care and support as quickly as possible".
The State and Territory Disability Ministers and Treasurers all agreed on a timetable for delivering the foundation reforms necessary for the introduction of an NDIS. These reforms include common assessment tools to determine eligibility and strategies to boost the disability workforce.
The Select Council also considered the draft principles to be agreed on by COAG. These principles will guide the work of the Select Council in pursuing reform of disability services.
And earlier this week the advisory body established by the government to provide advice to the Select Council also met for the first time.
So it is clear that all your hard work is making a difference. But we cannot give up - we need to keep the pressure on.
There are three easy things you can do to help during Spread the Word Week - which one will you choose?
Tell your friends, neighbours, work colleagues and family members. The campaign is continuing and we are showing everyone that Every Australian does indeed Count.
John Della Bosca
and the Every Australian Counts team www.everyaustraliancounts.com.au
P.S. Can you watch our latest campaign update video and share it with your friends? Building support for the NDIS is the most important thing you can do right now.
FW: NDS News Update - NDIS timetable brought forward
Monday, October 17, 2011
The newsletter starts with social tennis, wheelchair basketball, boccia, cricket match, dance, art exhibition. It also has details on the Paralympic talent search, sport expo, mentoring for young artists, a youth leadership conference and Careflight’s movie sessions. Parents and carers can attend several parenting forums (surviving Year 12, transitioning to high school, healthy relationships, Teen Triple P, after separation), introductions to CCP and TTW programs, statewide consultations for CALD carers, men’s cooking class. There are also events for Carers Week (16-22 Oct) and Mental Health Week, as well as an invitation to register events for International Day for People with a Disability.
Resources include books (autism, fathering), Social Work students for placements, Information and Privacy Commission brochures, Synergy Youth Centre, International White Cane Day. Financial matters include fundraising from the Bob Waterer book , the Print Disability Scholarship and Seniors Grant, Vision Australia Further Education Bursary, and jobs for people with physical disability and a personal carer at Fighting Chance. You are invited to support the NDIS, volunteer at the Junior Wheelies camp, provide feedback about the Caring for Older Australians report and on social inclusion for older people.
Workshops address support brokerage, play-based intervention for children with ADHD, supporting teens with disabilities in high school, improving life of people with disabilities, mediation and conflict resolution, relationships. Short courses occur at IFP and CCWT, as well as at TAFE in Child Care. There are also an AGM, and two conferences – on OHS and on supporting people with developmental disabilities.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always! The next newsletter will be sent on 27 October.
Regards, Marjorie Janz , Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Located at Dee Why Library, Pittwater Road and St Davids Avenue , Dee Why NSW 2099.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371. Also janzm@warringah.nsw.gov.au.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
NDS News Update 11 October 2011
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Seminar for Families
Are you the parent, adult brother, sister, other relative or friend of a
person with developmental disability?
Do you want to gain concrete skills that will help you to promote
the interests of the person with disability in your life?
Would you like to make contacts and get ideas from others in your area?
See the attached brochure for details.
Would you like to make contacts and get ideas from others in your area?
See the attached brochure for details.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Resources include youth and family counselling, a Lifetracker device, and new sign language videos about workplace rights. Financial matters include several fundraising events (cancer walk, buddy walk) and a talk on saving on electricity costs. Subsidised lawn mowing also exists. There are job possibilities for a summer traineeships and an individualised service person. The TAFE course dates and fee exemptions are also given. You are invited to provide feedback on ADHC’s lifestyle planning policy, and to support Social Inclusion Week.
Workshops and courses address setting up support groups, physical and mental health, dementia, visiting a psychiatrist, learning to use computers well negotiation, assisting vision impaired students, the MDS HADS program, engaging adolescents, developmental challenges in the teens, and empowering parents. There is a Rotary project for assist people with brittle bone syndrome overseas. Annual general meetings occur for three organisations, and an online Masters degree is available.
Your comments and suggestions are welcome, as always! The next newsletter will be sent on 13 October.
Regards, Marjorie Janz , Disability Information Officer, Warringah Council.
Located at Dee Why Library, Pittwater Road and St Davids Avenue , Dee Why NSW 2099.
Phone 9942 2686, fax 9942 2371. Also janzm@warringah.nsw.gov.au.
Making a Difference
Are you the parent, adult brother, sister, other relative or friend of a
person with developmental disability?
Do you want to gain concrete skills that will help you to promote
the interests of the person with disability in your life?
Would you like to make contacts and get ideas from others in your area?
If so, join us to discuss and explore:
what advocacy is;
why advocacy is needed;
and how to advocate effectively.
The workshop will be presented by Family Advocacy, an independent advocacy organisation that has been promoting the rights and interests of people with developmental disability across NSW for more than 20 years. Presenters are parents and allies of people with developmental disability. The brochure with details is here.
Would you like to make contacts and get ideas from others in your area?
If so, join us to discuss and explore:
what advocacy is;
why advocacy is needed;
and how to advocate effectively.
The workshop will be presented by Family Advocacy, an independent advocacy organisation that has been promoting the rights and interests of people with developmental disability across NSW for more than 20 years. Presenters are parents and allies of people with developmental disability. The brochure with details is here.
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