Hornsby - 5 September 2011 South Hurstville - 7 September 2011
Many families have said that they would like their son or daughter with developmental disability to enjoy the same good, ordinary, opportunities as their other children but that they find this hard to achieve.
In response to this feedback, this new workshop has been developed to help families explore why this is so and to suggest some strategies for families to help a person with disability have a good life as part of their community.
I attach a link to the flier. It would be great if you could let other families who may be interested know about the day.
If you would like to read more about Resourcing Families you can go to the web site: http://www.resourcingfamilies.org.au/
Do not hesitate to contact Emma Baxter or Kim Roots if you would like hard copy fliers or more information. We can be reached on 9869 7753 or by email atinfo@resourcingfamilies.org.au
Thanks for letting others know about the day and we hope you can come.
Kim Roots and Emma Baxter
Resourcing Families
-------------------- PO Box 502 Epping NSW 1710 --------------------
Suite 305 16-18 Cambridge St Epping 2121
ph: 02 9869 0866 Freecall: 1800 620 588 Fax: 02 9869 0722